Mobile Payment (NFC Technology)- If we look at the history of payment transactions, beginning first before any electronic conveniences one should take the money first to the bank by lining up at the counter so they should take the money to use for a certain period of time considering a sizable effort to take some money. With the automated teller machines (ATMs), everywhere attempt to take the money be light enough so a person taking money for short periods. In addition, holders of ATM reduces the risk of money from the crime of theft / robbery / etc because the money taken is usually less when compared with taking money at the bank counter.
Google Nexus S is the second design of Google smartphone after the Nexus One. This phone has been equipped with NFC chips. |
With the development of information and communication technology (ICT), comes a new electronic payment instruments that became popular in Indonesia, such as credit cards and debit cards. Both types of payment using smart card payment terminals are rubbed into the stores when paying. Smart card to replace the physical money that is usually stored on a smart card wallet so that users can avoid the crime and also get the convenience of users, ie do not need to take the money into a bank or ATM and store in a wallet.
Of course, smart card payment system must have a security system that ensures money is not taken by the user who is not entitled to and also there was no immediate claim payments that never made the user. Without the guarantee of security systems in smart card payment system, users will not be interested to use it.
At present, in addition to purses, must carry a cell phone in travel. It gives ideas for innovators to combine wallet and mobile phone. There have been innovative from a mobile service provider to make payments using SMS and mobile web. A consortium of giant mobile phone manufacturer in the world finally work together to create new products to combine with the mobile with wallet is called
Near Field Communications (NFC).
Actually, the
NFC is the development of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) card technology. RFID has the same form and function like an ATM card, the difference is RFID cards do not need to be polished (contactless) thus RFID cards do not need to be removed from the wallet in the process of payment, users only need to bring his wallet to a payment terminal or called reader. In Indonesia, RFID cards are widely used, for example: e-Toll for automatic payment of toll gates, bracelets (RFID tags, not the shape of the card) is used instead of tickets at amusement parks.
NFC technology on mobile phones a step further than the RFID technology, where NFC chip embedded in mobile phones that can act as an RFID card and also as a reader at once with a short range radius (less than 10 cm). NFC technology on mobile phones can truly replace the wallet in which to spend money and also received money from and to fellow NFC users. In addition to payment, NFC technology can be used as a replacement ID card, driver's license, student card, etc., time card, and others.
Starting in 2011 planned to be come a variety of products leading mobile phone equipped with
NFC technology. The first mobile product with NFC technology is already marketed in Europe and America is the Samsung Nexus S, dilengkai
NFC controller chip by NXP (Philips), namely PN544. Philips is a leading manufacturer of RFID cards. Samsung Nexus S uses the Android operating system Gingerbread version supported by Google. Google itself has prepared a variety of applications for
NFC technology on mobile phones.
School of Electrical Engineering & Informatics, Bandung Institute of Technology, is active in conducting research to develop
Transaction System Using Mobile Phone and NFC Technology with a grant from the Incentive Program, Ministry of Research and Technology. NFC Research Group had been formed. The purpose of this research is to produce a transaction system with NFC technology on mobile phones for micro payment (payment with a small amount, for example: public transportation, shop, canteen, etc.) and macropayment (payments with a larger number, for example: supermarket, mini market, restaurant , various shops, etc.).
This transaction system must be very safe for users, sellers, and users of the financial industry so that money can not be reduced / increased improperly; sellers get the money that should; and the financial industry does not lose money and not have to pay an undue. Let's welcome the presence of
NFC technology for shared prosperity. News Article Source : Kompasiana